Controversial owner of ABC FX David ‘Big D’ Cheeseburger has caused controversy by claiming that all his sales staff must be allowed to return to work immediately, as they are key to the planet’s well being in this time of global uncertainty.

Cheeseburger, who is known industry wide as the Big D, called a press conference to outline that ‘Doctors and Nurses may save peoples lives, but nothing beats the joy of a new client understanding the financial freedom that only trading retail FX can bring. Let’s open up the doors and put smiles on the faces of the oppressed in this challenging time.’

Cheeseburger’s previous comments had drawn ire from the medical profession, after he was allowed to advertise using the controversial campaign ‘FX cures cancer’ under his now defunct Krakatoa trading license.

Marjoree Schweepes, the Global Head of Inspiration and Open Air Thinking representing PR company Tuna Fandango, commented that ‘Mr Cheeseburger was well within his rights to call on the government to seriously consider their lockdown policy, as Mr Cheeseburger had made many large charitable donations to them’.

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By Barry Flup

Barry Flup is an award winning lifestyle and features journalist holding posts at the Frumpton Gazette, and has recently joining writing for Trade Bet News. Barry's self appointed as the 'bad boy of words in Frumpton (and surrounding area)' will bring the hard hitting stories to TBN.

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